About moweco Marketing Consulting

Give me a face…

The person behind the consultancy brand moweco is Erich Holzbauer. Erich is a marketing professional with 15+ years of professional experience in network (recently left dentsu) and independent agencies. Working quite some time in the role of a client advisor, I have gained tremendous insights in different industries, forms and ways of marketing. I have worked both for big international clients, as well smaller local ones including NGOs or startups always with the goal in mind to create future business potential and competitive advantages for them through the smart use of marketing.

Recently I shifted my attention into the new area of new forms of organizations and leadership, which I tried to combine with my marketing and strategy knowledge in the service offering of moweco. With receiving a diploma and becoming a Systemic Coach in 2023 I continued this path to be able to support marketing organizations with their organizational challenges.

Key Areas: Marketing – Communication – Business Development – Strategy – Leadership – Agile – Systems thinking – Organizational Design

Industry Focus: FMCG, Media, Consumer Electronics, Insurance & financial services, Tourism, Automotive, Telecommunication

Client Credentials

Recent clients: Generali, Beiersdorf, sodastream, SAP, OMV, Heute, TUI, Stuhleck, Vienna Tourism Board, Lebenshilfe Wien
Past clients: Maresi, essity, IKEA, eni, Internorm, Verbund, Mondelez, Novomatic, Magenta, Media Markt, Volksbank, Monster, BMW, Funke, Bild, Styria, Rewe

Our services portfolio circles around the three main topics of strategy, marketing and organizations. It is important that we uniquely intersect the items in a practical way to get the important topic of marketing across into your organization. For that purpose we offer four different format offerings for different needs.

Work experience

2021 – 2023
merkle DACH – Client Service Director

2019 – 2021
isobar – Client Service Director

2016 – 2019
isobar – Account Director

2013 – 2016
taskblitz – Managing Director & Founder

2011 – 2013
ProSiebenSat1 PULS4 – Product Manager Online Business Development

ambuzzador – Account Manager and Social media consultant

2007 – 2010
vi Knallgrau – Account Manager and Consultant


2019 – 2021
Danube Business School, Postgraduate MBA
Focus: Agile Organizations & Collective Leadership

2012 – 2014
FH Wien, Master – Executive Management

2002 – 2006
FH Burgenland, Master – Information & Knowledge Management

Additional Education and Certificates:
– Diploma systemic coaching (2023)
– Squared Online (2018)
– SCRUM certified Product Owner (2018)

In the news

Werbekampagne „Lebenshilfe Wien. Bringt uns weiter
Jetzt geht Sodastream für seinen neuen Sprudler Duo in die Werbeoffensive
Juroren des iab webAD stehen fest
Schlepp´s nicht mit Dir rum!
Sodastream will dem Schleppen ein Ende bereiten
Schluss mit Schleppen
Isobar ist Leadagentur für die neue Kampagne der Generali Versicherung
isobar setzt erste globale Kampagne der Generali um
isobar Wien ist Leadagentur für die neue Kampagne der Generali Versicherung
isobar ist Leadagentur für die neue Kampagne der Generali Versicherung
Generali startet erste globale Werbekampagne
isobar feiert pH-neutralen Etat-Gewinn
Isobar gewinnt Beiersdorf-Etat für Launch-Kampagne in Österreich
Update: Beiersdorf erweitert Basis pH-Range und setzt auf Kreativagentur isobar
Noch nie am Meer?
„Lukas sieht bald Meer“
“Heute” neuer Kunde für isobar
Isobar realisiert “leiwande” Imagekampagne von “Heute”
Holzbauer heuert bei ambuzzador an
Erich Holzbauer neu bei ambuzzador