Welcome to the help section of REALationships.
Overview and basic concepts
The main idea behind the application is to give you an easy interface for admin your contact database, analyze previous results in our reports and monitor the vote state for individual contacts.
For authorization we ditch the classic Username + Password mechanism in favor for an one time authorization via an email verification. This should be more convenient, as we expect various people from different organizations are joining to access the reports and have therefore an more easier access then signing up for a dedicated account.
The tool is explicit not a client feedback tool for agencies, but in contrary works in both directions. This also means that a client can monitor all their agencies with the tool. Some core naming conventions we use in the app:
- Client: refers to the entity that receives the service
- Agency: refers to the entity that offers the service
- Contact: a single person identifier by its unique email either of both entities
The dashboard provides a top level overview of the entity’s (either agency or client) relationship health over time and gives an overview of the current voting process with the according timing.

The report section is the probably most used feature with access to the previous gained data insights. The report view always represents a voting period (we run 4 voting waves per year) and provides the data of the counter entity’s votes, your own votes and the self reflection. Those 3 data points are the main concept behind REALationships and should give all users the right insights to navigate their relationship.

The first table shows the received votes and the sum of your own teams perception how well did they in the relationship. It is normal that there is a little gap, but if >3 is a indicator for a further needed investigation with your team on why there is such a huge perception gap.
The second table shows in detail the votes of your on team on the relationship. The gap between your own and the received votes is call the relationship gap. Ideally those are quite close together, meaning each party is similar happy with the collaboration. If there is a huge gap, further investigate.
Contacts Overview
In this section you can get an overview of the previous votes on a contact level. It is interesting to review single feedback after some time, but also to check if a person has voted in current or previous rounds.

Action Items

Bringing the feedback into real change is crucial for every feedback process. To also help you with this part of the process, we offer a section where you can track task and improvements that has been agreed on. You can also directly create a task out of the context of a single feedback comment in the report view. Tasks can be attached to clients and periods, referring the point when the feedback has occurred. So you can easily track whether a feedback has been already implemented.
Admin Panel
The admin section is the place where you can manage your organization, your subscription, your relationship entities and all contacts. The first table/part represent your own entity and you can perform simple tasks like adding, updating details or delete contacts. Only user with admin rights, can access this area. By default the user, that registered the organization, is the admin. You can add more admins also in the admin section by simply checking the box. Caution: Keep at least one admin in your organization, otherwise you loose the ability to proceed all the admin tasks.
An more advance feature is the mapping of your own contacts. By default all your own contacts can vote for all relationship entities (clients or agencies). This is for sure not the business reality, so we implemented a mapping mechanism where one of your own contact only services a client entity. The contact as a consequence, can only vote for this one only.
Note: the number of clients/agencies (relationship entities) and contacts available to you, is determined by the paid subscription you choose.

The second table represents your organization’s relationships. You can add more entities according your subscription and contacts as well. When a contact is added, we don’t send any notification to them yet. The first time we contacts them is to call for the next voting round.
When register a new organization, we give you a 14 days trial period to test all the functionalities. Full features are available to you and to really test the entire voting process, you can manually trigger the voting emails from the admin panel. After the trial period has ended you can still access the application but are not part of the voting process and can also not trigger the manual one again.
For ongoing service usage we offer 4 different plan, suited to the size of many organizations. For now, please contact us to subscribe to a paid plan. Also invoicing will be happening via email.